Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's all in how you look at it.

It just occurred to me. Hell, I did time at ATT. Hard time, 4 years. I can do 6 months of Chemo!! It may seem harsh comparing chemo to working at ATT but ...... Those who have walked those halls know what I am talking about.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Patience....why do we lose it? Where does it go??? I know if we count to 10 we should get it back.... Traffic seems to be like Kryptonite to patience... Its something you should always pack when you go on vacation... Its a virtue...or so they say You can run out of Patience...and then it triggers a boiling temperature.. Some say you get more of it the older you become... And then there's that grasshopper thing Patience can be unlimited and just as quick it can be drained by a "look"

Thursday, September 5, 2013

yikes!!! company is coming

As I was swishing pine sol in the toilet bowl, it got me to thinking. Do most people have a "go to" that they clean if they know someone is stopping by? My routine is: For a short drive by visit - I'll check the toilets and run the duster across the wooden floors. For a over-night visit - My first priority is the refrigerator, clean it, organize it and if my mom is coming, I'm cleaning every jar. (inside of lid and rim of jar.) And from there its a matter of how much time I have, sometimes I even manage to clean the entire house. My husband loves when we have company. And if you have a regular house keeper, you have no idea of what I am talking about.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

But I'm Italian.........

For some reason Italians do not think they are subject to normal laws of nature. At least the Italians I know. Now the doctor told me I would lose my hair, No one believe it. The Italians. After all I have a ton of hair. To humor the diagnosis I chopped off my long hair. On day 16 from 1st chemo treatment, a hand full of hair was left in my palm as I was styling my "DO" "She's bald Jerry, Bald" Looks like I will walk in my brothers shoes. On a brighter note: went shopping and bought many cute pair of long dangle earrings....

Mom, I have cancer, no you don't.

The phone call I dread: Me: Mom, the test came back, I have cancer. Mom: I don't believe this, I had a lump years ago and it was nothing. You need a new doctor. Me: I pretty sure it's correct, I have cancer. Mom: You can't believe those doctors, we are Italian, we don't get cancer. Me: I know Mom, sometimes it happens. Mom: I still can not believe this, I'll make soup, your sister and I will come.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Roller Coaster Ride or Chemo Treatments

I have never enjoyed roller coasters. Nothing about them appeals to me. They usually start off with a small taste of what's to come. A short sharp turn, a small drop and then something soothing, dim twinkling lights, cool breeze. Meant to calm you yet inside you know it coming, your neck gets rocked back, your body's weights is being pulled back yet your being pulled forward. You're dizzy. And then opposite now you are being plunged downward fast, your stomach in your throat, your screaming inside your head and you don't know what is coming next. That nice little calm place, just to caught your breathe, before it starts again. No control. Well Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Chemo Land. Just got done with the first ride, just when I was thinking I can't go on like this, it diminishes, into the nice dim twinkling lights part. Your body remembers some of it for a few more days and then when you think "Its not that bad" its time to get go on another ride. You have no control. And you know its going to be bad because people who go on these rides are called "survivors". And you get all kinds of free stuff. Nothing that you really want but things to make the ride easier, the ride you never wanted to get on. Now, I feel like I'm on a Merry go Round.