Thursday, March 3, 2011

You can't take it with you

Stuff!  Why do we have (need) so much stuff?  I have been helping my Mother un-assembling our family home of 53 years.  She will be moving in with my sister and renting out the house.

I was surprised by how much emtional is attached to the material items she has collected over the years, down to the seemingly un-interesting (at least to me) nic nac.

I have always loved the way going home made me feel, the house to me seemed to be in perfect order, soothing and safe.  As we began to take out the furniture and nic nac's the rooms began to just become walls without any memories.

I guess all the "stuff" she has collected recalls memories for us and created the view in which we are familiar and enjoy. 

I was the beneficiary of many of these items as they were gifts I have boughten her, or items I have admired thoughtout the years.  The most prized items are those that hold the deepest memories of a simpler younger life.

My concern now is will I have the time to create my own memories with these items that hold such a nostalgia so my childern will have something to hold onto that was loved by me.

In the end its not the stuff but the memories, but the memories are connected to the stuff and a life gone by. 

1 comment:

  1. Its funny you mention this, I have a dress that you used to wear way back in the early 70's. it doesn't fit me and even if it did I would probably never wear it. But it means alot to me and our time we lived together. I can still picture you in it, with ponytail way up high on your head. Your beauty amazed me. You were (and are) so full of life and enthusiasm. When I see it it makes me smile
