Thursday, December 15, 2011

Snap out of it!

Maybe I'm venting, but what is going on.  Just got off the phone with the 3rd girlfriend who says they are not putting up a tree this year.  Their kids are gone, or its just a hassle.  Hello, life is a hassle and we all need to embrace it.  I understand that when you have a full time job you are short on "free" time, you are tired and everything else you can tell yourself why you shouldn't.  Here is the reason why you should. Christmas is a special time of year and the tree/decorating is the symbol of the spirit of Christmas.  Its a time when we should reflect and think of others, open your soul to giving and love.We live in a crazy fast pace life, don't let your "job" steal your soul.  There will come a time when you will not have the option of putting up a tree or doing much else. You will have all the time in the world but not the abilities to use that time.  Life is an attitude.