Wednesday, May 2, 2012

654 days of pure joy

I have sanded, painted, grouted, scraped, hammered, planted, harvested, dug, sprayed, feed and weeded.  All while listening to the birds.

I have cleaned closets, drawers, windows and screens.  Create a sewing room and extra bedroom.

I have taught and mentor. Counseled and listened. Taken classes, gave classes.

I have sewn, clip, stitch and quilted.

I have camped, hiked, climbed, walked, talked, seen the sunset and  sunrise.  Felt the rejuvenating waters of an oasis, had my head in the clouds, hands in the sands and soaked in the sun. Seen nature at its bests.

Spend hours visiting my friends and family, especially my mother. Became a stay at home mom . Gone back to sleep in the mornings, read magazines, played words with friends, watched the Price is Right and Fashion Police. Read books, started a Blog.

Cooked, baked, pickled and canned. Cooked dinner every night and packed lunches.

Became my husband's best friend and lover.

I have become strong.

I have had heaven on Earth.