Wednesday, January 20, 2016

To be or not to be a .......bitch!

Im not sure when it happened but........Ive turned into a bitch!

I dont want to be a bitch .......I try real hard not to be ......but out it comes.

I wonder if I inherited this characteristic..........

It was bound to happen........I come from a long line of bitches....

Mother, sister, probably even my grandmother .......but she spoke only Italian so maybe it just sounded like she was bitching.

Or is it environmental.......I seem to be surrounded by idiots who get on my last good nerve.....that was kinda bitchy.

Sometimes I think I should become a hermit so I don't inflict my bitchyness on others .....

But than again....I heard it once said "Sometimes the only thing a woman has is to be a bitch!"

Good thing i have sons, from what Im told daughters will tell you exactly how big of a bitch you are!!!!