Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Retirement not for the faint of heart.

It has recently occurred to me that retirement is not for everyone. It requires the ability to entertain yourself, which I have come to find out not everyone possess these skills. I could give classes on crafts to those retirees who do not possess these skills, and they would get good stuff when done. Would that mean I would of come out of retirement myself.?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Another Honeymoon, all without sex

I am experiencing another "honeymoon" period. This is a timeframe before something is about to happen, usually something you're not looking forward to. I have a week before I start chemo. I can't even imagine the new world I am about to enter. But, I'm prepared... I have 8 new pair of jammies....

Be careful what you wish for!!!!

Ok Ok Ok Ok ..................Well, I got my wish. I get to stay home, no more work! Yeah, ah no no no.. I have always known to be careful when you throw out a wish to quickly include, " I wish I could lose some weight but not through an illness" And when I would dream about being retired, I would include but "I'm luckly to have a job because I need the money" blah blah blah. Well here is how my "wish" is playing out: I'm on disability for at least 1year, so I have money coming in but I'm fighting breast cancer . Based on my previous wish to lose weight, I bet I won't lose a pound. And the icing on the cake is my mom who we all know is Italian, really dislikes bald and fat. Gee Mom don't look now but ..........