Wednesday, March 16, 2011

you reap what you sow or do you?

I think one of the many reasons I enjoy and like gardening is that you do reap what you sow.  By following all the good gardening steps I end up with the "fruit" of my labor.  Which got me thinking about how does this saying "you reap what you sow" apply to other parts of my life or for that matter life in general.

Childern:  sometimes not always
Husband:  sometimes not always
Job: sometimes not always, usually most people get the short stick on that one

So now the saying "life isn't fair" comes to mind.

I'm keeping with my gardening in which I do reap what I sow!

Got to go mend my afghan now, you know what they say "a stitch in time saves nine"

1 comment:

  1. With childern, you plant all kinds of seeds, some good and some bad, Husbands are a plant that, early on you try to prune and train. But after a while you just give up and let it grow wild. Your job (if it is not a career) is like a rose bush, your pay-the rose, but it's pretty darn thorny getting to that rose
