Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Green" with envy

I just spend the weekend with one of my girlfriends and were my eyes ever opened.

She didn't use paper towels, zip lock bags, plastic drinking bottles among other green alternatives.

I guess since I recycled some of these products I was "doing" my part.  When in reality I should not even generate this waste.

I outta admit, its easy to grab that zip lock bag, those paper towels, drinking out of a plastic so now I just feel guilty.

I am trying to make a conscience effort to use the alternative to those products in hope that will be become a habit. 

I on purpose ran out of paper towels and I kinda say its a pain in the waste hahaha not using them.

Its really just a mind set.  So before you go for the plastic think if there's another greener way.

I wonder if the guy who invented plastic could see the wide effect of this product.  Proably not. 

Remember it just takes one person to make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. There is a mass of plastic floating in the Pacific Ocean that is larger than the state of Texas. Remember when we used waxed paper for everything? We (Americans) over wrap everything.
