Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"shell of a woman"

So my husbans says to me the other day, "you're a shell of the woman you used to be".  I was shocked! Not at his comment, but how spot on he was.  I've been leaking, not in the Depends kinda way,  but in a way that  I can feel the hormones leaving my body, the essence that use to drive me.

Gone is the metabolism
Passion -  I can't get too worked up about anything.  Life is short
ambition - I look back at the positions I've had and I think who was that person

The metamorphiose has turned me into a  person that is very grounded.  Gravity.  I go to bed with the chickens (as my mother says) and get up before dawn. I wouldn't know what to do with an evening out and this is from a person who quite often went to bed very late.

Don't get me wrong, I love this new chapter and look forward to how it will deveolp. I use my energy now for myself, family and friends. I enjoy every single day.

Its just different and it seems  not much is said about entering into a senior.  Which I guess is the term, I'm certainly not middle age.

Moral of this story, I don't have one, expect to say.  Life is alway changing enjoy it all.  

I almost forgot, went to the doctors the other day for my yearly woman's exam, and was told I really don't need these yearly anymore.  Every 3 or 4 years will do.  Medical prove that I am turning into a  Garden Nome, friendly soul with no real purpose. Ha


  1. A shell of a woman indeed! I don't know if I like that comment. But I do remember many a day being up at dawn and not because I was getting up. We had never gone to bed. And You are still passionate, just about different things. Our 50's are a tough decade, for many reasons, the changes are not so subtle, they are picking up speed. Love the reference to a graden nome, wouldn't that be a trip

  2. hahaha well at least you save yourself the uncomfortable visit! speaking of...i need to schedule mine.
